Postal Wiki
There are many Shotguns in the POSTAL series. See Shotgun (disambiguation) for more examples.

The Spray Cannon is a weapon featured in the original POSTAL and POSTAL Redux.

The Spray Cannon is an automatic shotgun, and uses up the same ammunition as the standard Shotgun. It is one of the more powerful weapons due to its high fire rate and average accuracy, however it lacks in range and tends to eat up ammo quickly.


In POSTAL Redux, the Spray Cannon no longer shares its ammo with the Shotgun, now using special green shells.


  • The Spray Cannon's appearance in Redux is based on the AA-12.
  • The Redux model has the lettering "RWS-12" written on the side of the buttstock.
  • In the POSTAL 1 Beta - 1997 Developer Demonstration video, the Spray Cannon had a much higher rate of fire. This was reduced in the final version due to its much higher ammo consumption.