Postal Wiki

A group of priests having a conversation before being killed in a terrorist attack.

Priests are a group in POSTAL 2.


The Priests are in charge of the administration of the religious rites in the Church. Priests appear all over Paradise for the whole week, but they play a role on Tuesday when one of the errands of the Postal Dude is to confess his sins. The Postal Dude enters the church and, if he steals the money from the donation box, the priest in the entrance hall will attack him. The Postal Dude then goes to the confessionary to confess his sins to another priest. After stating that he has really sinned, the priest asks the Postal Dude if he dropped an offertory to the box, and the Postal Dude answers "yes". The priest forgives him and calls for the next person in line.

In that very same moment, three priests are seen having a conversation outside the church, when they are killed by an exploding terrorist. A whole group of terrorists appears and declare war against the "infidels", while some armed priests come outside the church as a response to the attack, thus starting a gun battle.

Eternal Damnation[]

While none appear in the mod alive, there is a single zombie priest enountered at the Graveyard on John Murray's way to Father Winston's Cathedral.


  • An individual wearing priest clothes in Main Street is actually a robber. Whether it's a real priest or just someone pretending to be one, is never revealed.
  • It's implied that the priests of Paradise are pedophiles, since advertisements located in the Police Station invite the residents of Paradise to take their sons to a group called "Father Tucheez", run by the priests. No girls are allowed in the group.
    • More evidence, when they win a match in multiplayer: "The clergy evades prosecution."
  • On Tuesday, a priest is seen in one of the rooms at the Bates Hotel alongside a man wearing a Gimp Suit.
    • In the multiplayer's team description, priests are described as "Holy warriors of gene-boosted morality who'll either save you from yourself, or kill you trying. Little does Team Gimp know that the clergy's feelings for them are considerably less than hostile." This suggests the Clergy Squad or the priests have a relationship with Team Gimp or the gimps.
  • Only a single priest is seen in Paradise Lost. He is at the cemetery fighting zombies with a sledgehammer.
  • They always sign the petition the first time.


Characters in POSTAL2
Postal Dude Jr.The BitchChampVince DesiMike JHabibGary ColemanT. Dude, Sr.KrotchyLarry the CrabUncle DaveJunkyard GuyOsamaPhraud HogslopRoscoZombie DadLeprechaunEaster BunnyPU CEOZack WardYeelandOld FarmerJohn MurrayBig McWillisMilo YiannopoulosTwo-EarsThat Beloved BookcaseThe Other Dude
Law Enforcement Organizations
Paradise Police ForceSWATNational GuardATFLawmenSurvivalistsDEET
Hate Groups
RWS ProtestorsBook ProtestorsRednecksButchersCarriersTerroristsVegetariansFood TechniciansGame DevsGingersBanditsSurvivalists
Other Groups
BystandersRWS StaffBank RobbersMarching BandColeman's CrewPriestsReligious ZealotsPostal BabesZombiesSecurity StaffSkeletonsHAATCole-MenRobotsGimps