The Marching Band in Postal being attacked.
The Marching Band is a group of instrumental musicians featured in the POSTAL series.
The Marching Band first appear in the 4th level of POSTAL, "Parade of Disaster". They continue to march up and down the level, until eventually the player is prompted (or may choose) to attack them because of the aggravating tune they play over and over.
Should the player refuse to attack (be it Civilians or Hostiles) and allow the Marching Band to continue, the game will crash. Whether this is intentional or an oversight is unknown.

The Marching Band's tryout at Earl's Elephant Ranch and Grill in Postal 2.
The Marching Band returns in Postal 2. They arrive to Paradise on Tuesday to do some tryouts in Home. however, a fat Marching Band member can be seen in one of the rooms at the Bates Hotel since Monday. Strangely, he is never seen during the tryouts. The Marching Band's tour during the first tryout in Home will take them past Fire in the Hole, Money Shot Laundromat, and Cock Asian, before preparing themselves to go down the main staircase of the area. However, while they are heading down the staircase, a terrorist appears from behind Cock Asian and detonates himself, killing various members of the Marching Band in the process, although the Postal Dude can kill the terrorist to stop this from happening and subsequently unlock an achievement in the Steam version of the game.
The Wednesday edition of the Paradise Times states that the Marching Band tryouts continue, this time at Earl's Elephant Ranch and Grill. Now, their tryouts include elephants.
Paradise Lost[]
The Marching Band returns once more in Paradise Lost. They appear as zombies in the Church of the VD Clan courtyard from Wednesday onward, playing a creepy and distorted version of the original song.
POSTAL: Brain Damaged[]
The Marching Band returns once again in POSTAL: Brain Damaged. This time, they're now a group of monsters sharing the same uniforms, consisting of the Cheer Killers, Saxobones, Arse Faces, Mr. Toots, Monkeys from Hell, and the Annoying Monkeys. They make their appearances in the first level "The Bareback Redemption" and appear in later levels throughout American Dream Gone Wrong.
- The song that the band plays is "The Stars and Stripes Forever", which is the national march of the United States of America.
- In both POSTAL and POSTAL 2, the same audio track is used, but only in POSTAL 2 is the full track used.
- The Marching Band's tryouts at Earl's Ranch may be an earlier version of the Parade, possibly the same one seen during the POSTAL 2 alpha, as a video clip depicts elephants parading through the streets along with the band itself, something that isn't depicted in the final game.
Characters in POSTAL | ||||
Characters in POSTAL2 | ||||||||||