Postal Wiki

Goliaths are enemies in POSTAL: Brain Damaged


Goliaths are enemies that appear in Postal Brain Damaged, they are amalgams of various limbs and faces, said limbs and faces are contained within a cylindrical, metal cage. Goliaths come in various different sizes, while most are about the same height as The Postal Dude, there are instances where Goliaths are bigger, an example of this is near the end of The Bareback Redemption, as when you kill all of the enemies, the floor breaks, and reveals that, below the floor, there is a massive-sized Goliath.

Characters in POSTAL: Brain Damaged
The Postal DudeLeon Dusk
Pastel PeopleCatsPrisonersAsylum Victims
Introduced in American Dream Gone Wrong
VeteransBurger BoysGolden RetrieversGolden Retrievers (But Meaner)Basement DwellersCheer KillersArse FacesSaxobonesMr. TootsMonkeys From HellAnnoying MonkeysPrison GuardsGoliathsJumping BeansCusslingersLightfifty SirsCrawlers
Introduced in Soulless Asylum
The VaccinatedLobotomized CreepsFarty PantsNurse JoyClown ElementalsLost ClownsLizard-DudesZeta Reticuli Gray TrashGray Trash DisguisedTin-FoiledIlluminati5G TowersLil' Ronnies
Introduced in No-Life Matters
Fluffy FriendsDominatrixXeno-TwatsPink Eye TowersGojira WankersStorm PoopersMobile Battle GoobersRPG TablesT-8000s
Karen: The Manager SlayerBIG BAD RONAThe Other DudeTESLOBORGELION