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The Double-Barreled Shotgun is a secret weapon in POSTAL.


An overpowered version of Shotgun that can only be obtained with cheats. It uses two Shotgun Shells per shot and delivers explosive damage, killing NPCs in one shot.


The Double-Barreled Shotgun can be acquired by typing "BREAKYOSAK" during gameplay. It is equipped by pressing " ` " twice.


  • While not the inspiration, this can be seen as the precursor to the Sawed-Off Shotgun in Eternal Damnation.
  • While technically not present in Redux, the default shotgun has been replaced with a Double Barrelled version.
  • Due to being an explosive damage type, Hostiles will never crawl after being shot, always dying on the spot.
  • The Double Barrel Shotgun is the third weapon to use the Shotgun Shells ammo type, but it is arguably the best use for it (obviously cheating, though).