The Death Wad is a secret weapon in POSTAL. It is obtained by using Cheats.
It is a "Wad" of several different ammo types that can best be described as the POSTAL equivalent of the BFG in Doom. In gameplay terms, it is a rocket that leaves a trail of napalm which lights any NPCs on fire before exploding.
The following notes comes from the source code and describe the creation of a "Death Wad"
This weapon is a wad of several ammunitions stuffed (or wadded) into a rocket cylinder and a napalm canister. Fuel is used to propel the weapon, grenades for extra (in addition to the rockets normal payload) explosive power, and napalm for lasting fire(burn) power. The rocket cylinder stores the fuel and provides the propulsion. The napalm canister stores the extra explosive/fire powerload using some up with every collision. It is for these reasons this weapon requires:
- exactly 1 rocket cylinder (including its original payload (solid fuel and explosive power)
- exactly 1 napalm canister (including its original payload (let's call it liquid fire) )
- at least 1 canister fluid fuel (e.g., from flamethrower) (more provides greater distance)
- at least 1 grenade (more provides greater explosive power over longer distances)
How to get[]
The Death Wad can be acquired by typing in the cheat "DAWHOLEENCHILADA" during gameplay then pressing " ` " twice. As mentioned above it costs multiple ammo types to use (20 flamer, 1 Napalm, 2 Rockets, and 5 grenades).
- The Death Wad is sadly missing from Redux.
Weapons in POSTAL |
Main Weapons |
Machine Gun | Shotgun | Spray Cannon | Missile Launcher | Napalm Launcher | Flamer | Revolver | |
Sub Weapons |
Grenades | Firebomb | Proximity Mine | Timed Mine | Bouncing Betty Mine | |
Secret Weapons |
Death Wad | Double-Barreled Shotgun | Pistol | Assault Rifle | Balloon Gun | Dynamite | |
Cut Weapons |
Remote Mine | Uzi | Small Pistol | |